Posts from 2017 (Page 2)

Posts from 2017 (Page 2)

New Member Class

New Member Class begins on Sunday, February 12 following the 10:40am service. Bring your friends, neighbors, and co-workers. It will be held in the parlor (downstairs) with a light lunch provided. We will always end the class by 2pm each Sunday, and we will complete the Membership class on Sunday, April 9th. Pastor Nuckols will be teaching the class.

From the Board of Elders – January 2017

An anxious patient, lying on her sickbed, turned to her doctor and asked: “Doctor, how long do I have to lie here and suffer?” “Just a day at a time,” replied the doctor. Just a day at a time the New Year will come to us with its new burdens, duties, hopes, challenges, and fears. As we stand upon the threshold of a brand new year, which, if it continues the pace of the…
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