Generational Generosity Stewardship Workshop w/ Pr. Heath Curtis

Generational Generosity Stewardship Workshop w/ Pr. Heath Curtis

The Elephant in the room
The facts are stark — Christians make up a smaller proportion of the American population every year. Every district of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has experienced numerical decline in the past decade. The counties where the Synod is strongest tend to be the counties where population is decreasing. The Synod is growing in membership in counties that are growing in population … but more slowly than the overall population increase. What’s going on? Will it get better? What does the future hold?

Knowledge is power
LCMS Stewardship Ministry commissioned two lengthy reports from leading demographers to examine the LCMS’ demographic trends, and the overall societal challenges to Christianity in the United States. The full reports were recently published in the Journal of Lutheran Mission. But these reports are long, detailed and can be hard to digest for parish leaders who are actually fighting the good fight of faith on the ground. Our Generational Generosity workshop delivers the data in a down to earth way that provides insight and direction for parish leaders who want to see future generations blessed with the pure teaching of the Lutheran confession of the Faith.

Knowing your area, planning for your future under the Lord’s care
At the workshop in your area we will discuss not only general trends but the demographic history and outlook
for your locality — including detailed reports for each congregation present.

Rev. Heath Curtis, LCMS Stewardship Ministry coordinator, will lead the workshop. As coordinator for LCMS Stewardship Ministry, the Rev. Heath Curtis produces and edits stewardship resources, plans and conducts national stewardship conferences, and helps coordinate stewardship efforts among LCMS entities.

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