Fine Arts Academy

Fine Arts Academy

“Why a Fine Arts Academy?”

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” (Colossians 3:17)

Missions, evangelism, and outreach are the primary reasons we have a Fine Arts Academy at St. Paul.  While education in the arts is indeed important and even vital, our primary goal is to proclaim the Gospel through this program.  Everything we will do will be evangelical and intentional.   Our Academy is here to show mercy, love, and charity in relation to the support and development of the arts. With this in mind, we hope to engage our church family, members of other Lutheran churches, and our local community.  We plan to hold mini recitals at area nursing homes and be a presence in the neighborhood surrounding St. Paul. We endeavor to be a catalyst in raising up the next generation of church musicians.

We encourage each of you to consider how you might be part of the Academy.  Whether it’s through being an active participant (taking classes, lessons, etc.), encouraging others to consider taking a class or a private lesson, financially supporting the Academy and its future growth, or speaking positively about the impact that this endeavor can make, by the grace of God, on our St. Paul community, our community, and the church at large, all encouragement is appreciated.  Finally, we ask for your prayers.  While we may plant and water, it is the Lord of the Church that causes all things to grow and flourish, to His glory and for our edification.

Current Classes

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