Posts by Pastor Nuckols
The Authority of Jesus Christ in Your Life
Typically, we question most all authorities in our life, and have done so since we began breaking away from our parents. Yet, our loving Lord continually invites to receive His authority in our lives every day. It has been our experience that all who have had authority over us have not used their authority in a purely benevolent manner, but instead, have shown us their…
Praying Against Yourself?!
“Thy will be done.” Consider this–If we really did God’s will, there would be no need to pray this petition. Therefore, it is our Lord’s desire for us to pray against our self, that is our flesh. Luther commented on this fact: For if we really did His will, this petition would not be necessary. It is really frightening to hear ourselves say,…
Remain Faithful
“Look at how the church looks right now!” “She is in disarray and has flaws and blemishes!” “There are parishes which practice their confessed doctrine in an unfaithful manner!” All of us have heard these statements, and all of us have made these statements. What do we do about these statements is the bigger question. Personally, we…