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2017 Spring Festival

Praise the LORD! Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever! — Psalm 106:1 Please join us and invite friends for an exciting celebrating the Lord’s wonderful opportunities and challenges! Saturday, April 29, 2017 – Silent Auction at 4pm, Dinner at 6pm VOLUNTEER! There’s something for everyone to do! DONATE! Do you have…

New Member Class

New Member Class begins on Sunday, February 12 following the 10:40am service. Bring your friends, neighbors, and co-workers. It will be held in the parlor (downstairs) with a light lunch provided. We will always end the class by 2pm each Sunday, and we will complete the Membership class on Sunday, April 9th. Pastor Nuckols will be teaching the class.

“Like” Us on Facebook

Need to catch up on the news from St. Paul? Check on times for upcoming Lenten services? You could dig around your recycling stack for this month’s newsletter, or try to remember where you stashed your Weekly Word after church – or you could check our Facebook page! Log in, search for “St. Paul Lutheran Church Austin TX” and “like” our official page to add our posts to…