News (Page 2)
Windows of the Word
Take the tour! Watch Windows of the Word Video with Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller.
From the Board of Elders – Lenten Meditation
Precisely 500 years ago this Lententide, Martin Luther was writing his “Meditation on Christ’s Passion” (It was ready for distribution early April, 1519). This was only two years after the 95 Theses were nailed to the Castle Church door, so Luther’s Lenten meditation is…
From the Board of Elders – God’s Peace for a New Year
Dear St. Paul Family, What did you get for Christmas? What are your New Year’s resolutions? Most of us have either asked or been asked these questions over the last few weeks. Christmas and the new year bring times with friends and family, the promise of a checked off Christmas list, and the…
From the Board of Elders – Rejoice, for unto us a child is born!
From the Congregation President – Give Thanks Every Day
Dear St. Paul Family, “Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!” Psalm 100:4 In many ways, like Christmas, some would have us form an opinion about the “true meaning” of Thanksgiving. The history most of us learned as children tells us…
From the Board of Elders – Individual Confession and Absolution
From the Board of Elders
Dear St. Paul Family, LIGHT FOLLOWS DARKNESS I found those words on a sundial in downtown Gonzales on one of my Saturday road trips only a few months after I moved to Austin. Perhaps they’ve stuck with me because at the time I had just begun to see the light again after a very dark period in my life. They are of course appropriate for a sundial because each day at dawn,…
From the President of the Congregation
“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” — Luke 2:11 How many times have we read or heard this verse from Luke’s account of the birth of Christ? We’re familiar enough with it that we may take a specific word in the verse for granted – Savior. But think if you had been one of the shepherds…can you imagine how they must have…
St. Paul Handbells and Choir Visit Local Assisted Living Homes
What a thrill! What a happy experience! Quite simple, but profoundly appreciated! On December 9 choir members and bell players visited the residents of Buckner Villas, The Conservatory, and Harmony Point. Christmas carols were presented and the many special loved ones were invited to sing…
St. Paul, Austin, Representation at “Making the Case” Conference
A surprise awaited ten St. Paul members as they arrived at Memorial Lutheran Church in Houston on Friday, 10 November for a two-day Issues, Etc. conference. The conference featured nationally recognized leaders presenting topics on the interaction of Christianity and culture. Mollie and Mark…