SPFAA Classes – Spring 2025

SPFAA Classes – Spring 2025

“Let the word of Christ dwell in your richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom…”  Colossians 3:16a
  • Private music lessons (click here for more information)
    • will be offered for the following instruments: piano, voice, organ, most wind or brass instruments, beginning and intermediate strings, acoustic guitar.
    • are 30 minutes in length for 12 weeks (beginning the week of Sept 8 – Dec 7; week of Nov 24 is a flex week)
    • day of the week and time to be mutually determined by instructor and student.
    • are open to all ages, subject to the approval of each instructor for those younger than eight.
  • [CLOSED] FIRST STEPS music class (click here for more information)
    • is open to infants, toddlers, and early childhood (ages 3-4.)
    • will be one time per week for 30 minutes for 12 weeks.
    • will be preceded by some free play time.
    • day and time to be determined by the majority of registrants’ availability.
  • Slöyd at St Paul: A hands-on, character-building experience for kids (click here for more information)
    • Originating in 19th century Sweden, Slöyd teaches children wholesome character temperaments through traditional woodworking. Students
      progress from simple to complex, concrete to abstract, as they develop patience, concentration, resilience, confidence, the ability to solve
      problems, and handle challenges with resolve and an eagerness to do a task well. In so doing, Slöyd fosters habits that are beneficial in all areas of learning.
    • minimum age – 7
    • each class will last for 75 minutes
    • classes are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as an afterschool class on Tuesdays, and two Saturday classes, every other week.
    • the maximum students in a class is 4
    • students will be supervised, instruction will be provided, but students will work at their own pace.
  • Private Art Lessons 
    • this is for anyone who is interested in private art lessons.
    • please contact Steve Schwolert (steve.schwolert@stpaulaustin.org) for more information and to indicate your area of interest.
    • He will send you a link to register after you have worked out the details of the lessons.
  • [CLOSED] Beginning Ballet (click here for more information)
    • beginning ballet is open for boys and girls ages 4-6 years old. Parents are requested to wait outside of the classroom.
    • class will be held once a week for 45 minutes, running 12 weeks, with a showcase performed at the end of each semester.
    • the number of classes and times will be determined based on interest and availability.
    • no uniform is required; soft ballet shoes are recommended.
    • day and time to be determined by the majority of registrants’ availability.
    • please contact Sydney Glynn (sydney.e.glynn@gmail.com) or Emma Weide (emmadawe.90@gmail.com) for more information.

This semester, in addition to welcoming “friends of St. Paul” to register for classes [meaning friends/family of current class participants that know of someone who is/would be interested in the class,] we are also opening up registration to anyone who is a member of a Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod congregation in the Austin area.  Please contact Jonathan Mueller for more information.

Questions?  Email at academyINFO@stpaulaustin.org


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