

St Paul Lutheran Church is delighted to partner with a number of missionaries, congregations, and organizations that preach the Gospel and serve their neighbor in Jesus’ name.

Here are some of the partners with links for you to learn more.

Individual Missionaries


Blind Outreach
A monthly meeting of the blind for devotion, Bible study, and a meal. 

Concordia High School
Our area Lutheran High School. St Paul has almost a dozen students attending this year. https://chsaustin.org/ 

Driving Hope of Texas
A former member of our congregation helped start this organization which helps people in rural areas reach needed services with rides. https://www.drivinghopetexas.org/

The Center for Pastoral Care and Council. Doxology helps pastors by serving them, and equipping them to better serve their congregation, mostly through a series of training retreats, but also through publications and resources. Pastor Wolfmueller serves on the Doxology Collegium. https://www.doxology.us/

Embrace Grace
Helping mothers facing unexpected pregnancies.  https://embracegrace.com/ 

India Widows (Sons of Solomon)
Helping widows suffering in India. A pastor in India has worked with Pastor Lange, and has recently indicated how devastated their congregation and community has been by Covid. The St Paul men’s group is currently helping this mission. 

Jesus Deaf Lutheran Church
Our sister congregation (dual parish) serves the deaf in Austin. One of two deaf congregations in the state of Texas. The congregation is small, but hopeful about growth, and opportunities to expand deaf ministry in the region and the world.  https://www.jesusdeafchurch.com/ 

Luther Academy (theological education internationally)
Hosts theological conferences for Lutheran pastors around the world. Pastor Wolfmueller travelled to Madagascar to teach at one of these conferences. This is a unique and refreshing approach to missions which supports the theological growth of the local church. The Luther Academy can often go to churches where the LCMS does not have fellowship and help them sort through difficult theological problems. (Most of the Lutherans in Africa are associated with the Lutheran World Federation, i.e. ELCA, but as they are strengthened in their convictions, they are leaving LWF and joining us.) https://lutheracademy.com/

LCMS Joint Seminary Fund (Ft. Wayne and St. Louis)
Training pastors for service in the church and the world. As far as the institution of the LCMS goes, these are the most important.

LCMS World Missions
The mission department of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. 

Lutheran Heritage Foundation
Provides foreign-language Lutheran resources for free to missionaries and Lutheran congregations across the world at no cost. (This is one of the most important missionary organizations. Pr Peterson used to help this organization.)  https://www.lhfmissions.org/ 

Lutheran Hour Ministries
Produces and distributes the Lutheran Hour radio broadcast and other materials (print, video) in the US and around the world. In the previous generation, this was the flagship of outreach in the LCMS.  https://www.lutheranhour.org/ 

Lutherans in Africa
The work led by James May in Kenya, including a theological seminary and a number of church plants. Jonathan Mueller serves on the board of directors, and has traveled to Africa with LIA to teach. https://lutheransinafrica.com/ 

Lutheran Public Radio (Issues, Etc.)
Produces Issues, Etc, a theological radio show and podcast, as well as Lutheran Public Radio (Christian Music). Currently the flagship of theological outreach in the world. https://lutheranpublicradio.org/, https://issuesetc.org/

Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty
The lobbying office of the LCMS in Washington D.C., and the work of Greg Seltz to try to bring some Biblical wisdom to the political conversation in our nation’s capital. https://lcrlfreedom.org/

Lutherans for Life
Equipping Lutherans to be Gospel-motivated voices for life. Provides resources to help Lutherans be advocates for life in our culture of death. There is a focus on abortion, but all life issues are considered.  https://lutheransforlife.org/ 

LINC Austin Outreach (Lutheran homeless outreach)
Helping connect the area homeless to needed resources. St. Paul currently helps with storage of donated goods. http://lincaustin.org/ 

Operation Barnabas
Serving soldiers returning from deployment, equipping congregations to do the same, and upholding the chaplains of the LCMS.  https://www.lcms.org/ministry-to-the-armed-forces/operation-barnabas 

Siberian Lutheran Church
Our sister church in Siberia, often helped and served by the faculty of Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN.

Texas District Relief Disaster Fund
The Texas District fund to help with disasters.  https://txlcms.org/congregations/disaster-relief/ 

University Lutheran Church
Our sister congregation is a mission of the Texas District serving the students of the University of Texas. Pastor Mittwede and Marcha are called missionaries of the Texas District, and are members of St Paul.  http://ulcaustin.com/ 

LCMS World Relief and Human Care
Reaching out in mercy and compassion to those in need throughout the world. https://www.lcms.org/how-we-serve/mercy

Epiphany Lutheran Church, Bastrop
Assisting a new church plant in nearby Bastrop https://epiphanybastrop.org/

Concordia Nebraska Student Rachel Johnson
Assistance for two Short-Term Mission Trips – Alaska and Puerto Rico https://www.cune.edu/faith-and-life/serve-abroad

POBLO (People of the Book Lutheran Outreach) Ministries
Christian mission organization ministering to and serving Muslim people in the Houston area. https://www.poblo.org/texas-poblo-mission/

Lutheran High School, Springfield IL
Mine subsidence necessitated a move of the school, because structure was deemed unsafe to inhabit. https://www.spiluhi.org/

Veterans of the Cross
Assists retired LCMS church workers, their surviving spouses and dependent children who are confronted by financial crises. This organization supplements low or inadequate pensions to help retired workers and surviving spouses secure necessities, such as medications, food and basic utilities. https://www.lcms.org/how-weserve/mercy/serving-church-workers/veterans-of-the-cross

Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne Vicar Solomona Rakotonirina
Financial aid to assist in paying unexpected expenses between seminary classes and vicarage.

Orphan Grain Train – Houston Branch a Christian volunteer network that ships donated food, clothing, medical and other needed items to people in 69 different countries including the USA.