Past Events (Page 23)

Past Events (Page 23)

Family Choir Rehearsal

IT’S BACK!  Here is an opportunity for a short-term commitment to be involved musically at St Paul!  The Family Choir will meet on Sundays: December 1,8,15, and 22 to rehearse for singing in the 4 pm Christmas Eve service.  Prayerfully consider setting aside some time in your Advent/Christmas preparations to participate in a choir and serve the Gospel through…

Men’s Breakfast Bible Study

Men of all ages are invited to join us for good food, refreshing fellowship, and an opportunity to reflect together on the Scriptures.  We hope to see you there!                  Meets 3rd Saturday of the month, 8:00 am.    Mimi’s Cafe  at 10515  N. Mopac Expwy.