Past Events (Page 27)

Past Events (Page 27)

New Member Class

Our next new member class will be a congregation-wide new member class, taking place during the Bible study hour, starting Sunday, September 8th.  All are encouraged to participate and renew their fundamental understanding of what it means to be a Christian.

Missions in Spain

On Tuesday, September 3,  Pastor and Keri Wolfmueller will present highlights from their recent trip visiting missionaries in Spain.  Pastor shares that, “For over 500 years pure Gospel has been outlawed in Spain.  The Spanish Inquisition expelled or killed all the early Lutherans, and Franco outlawed all forms of Protestantism.  But twenty years ago, Lutheran…

Young Adults/Singles Group Lunch

Young Adults/singles Group will be having lunch together immediately after the late service on August 11th.  We’ll be going out for some of the best fried chicken in town.  If you are single or recently married and under the age of 40, we hope you’ll join us!


  Vacation Bible School 2019        “In the beginning was the Word…”John 1:1 Powerful WORD Monday-Saturday, July 8-13, 2019    St Paul Lutheran Church Come learn about the amazing power of the Word of God! K-5th Grade:  9am-3pm                                                                              Preschool 3/4: …

Young Adults/Singles Group Lunch

Young Adults/Singles Group will be having lunch together immediately after the late service on July 7.  We will go out to eat some finger-lickin’ good BBQ.  If you are single or recently married and under the age of 40, we hope you’ll join us!