Embrace Grace
Embrace Grace provides emotional, practical, and spiritual support for single, young pregnant women, who find themselves in an unintended pregnancy. Our primary goal is to provide a safe and non-judging place of support. We believe that the church should provide support for these young women, instead of being the last place that they are welcomed because of shame and…
Evening Prayer
Fellowship Hour
Altar Guild
Youth Confirmation
ESL Mommy and Me
For a complete class listing and more information, please go to www.ulcaustin.com/ismor contact Mrs. Marcia Mittwede: marcia@ulcaustin.com
Women of Heartsong Concert
The Women of Heartsong will be performing their annual Friends & Family concert here at St Paul. It will be a wonderful show – full of great music across the genres. The Women of Heartsong is a non-profit women’s choir that ministers to retirement and Alzheimers communities. Once a year, they sing for their friends and family as a thank you for all…