Church Directory Photo Shoot
Vicar Davis Ordination
Easter Egg Hunt & Breakfast
It’s the Great Easter Egg Scramble Sunday, April 9, 2023 @ 9:30 am (during the Bible Class/Sunday School hour) The CLE Board and High School Youth will host an Easter Egg and Scavenger Hunt during the Sunday School hour. Young children, age 2 up to 5th Grade, can participate in a traditional Easter Egg Hunt on the preschool playground (weather…
Brass Rehearsal
High School Youth Lock-In
Friday, March 31t until Saturday, April 1st. Watch for details in the Weekly Word. RSVP required..
Marriage Enrichment Seminar
Marriage Enrichment Seminar
Life Magnified 2023 (Pray, Study, March)
Thank the Lord for giving us the gift of life, and we pray, study, and march for our neighbors, so that life would be extolled and magnified. We will gather on Saturday, January 28th at St Paul Lutheran church. Everyone is invited and welcome, but we especially invite our fellow Lutherans all over Texas to join us for this event. Saturday, January 28 8:00am-9:00am…