Sermons on John 20:19-31 (Page 2)
Found by the Lord
[Machine transcription] Grace, mercy, and peace be unto you from God our Father, and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. You may be seated. Hopefully, you’ve heard of the expression that fear does two things, the flight or fight syndrome that comes along with fear. In other words, when someone has fear welling up within them, they either shut down and kind…
A View of Faith
It’s pretty easy for
us to slam Thomas for his doubts about Jesus’ resurrection. Thomas had seen
the wonders of Jesus’ miracles, including three instances when Jesus had
brought someone back from the dead. Maybe he thought that while Jesus could do
that for others, He wouldn’t be able to do that for Himself, being God or…
The Peace of the Resurrection
Grace, mercy, and peace to you this day, from God our Father, and from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. It must have been quite a scene. It was evening, and the heat of the day had dissipated somewhat. The frightened sinners huddled together. They were out of sight—they hoped—from the powerful governing authority. If they were discovered, they knew the…
Signs of Doubt, Signs of Faith
In the church’s calendar, today is called by the delightful but complex name, “Quasimodogeniti Sunday.” Pretty fancy-sounding, isn’t it? Well, how does “Newborn Baby Sunday” sound? A little more comfortable on our 21st-century ears? OK, then. The reference in calling it “Quasimodogeniti”—Newborn Baby—is to Baptism. In the early church, new members were baptized…
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