Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

Sermon for Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus. Amen. Dear saints, our Lord Jesus is going to contrast for us this morning, and this is, in fact, hard work that he’s doing in our hearts. He’s going to contrast for us what the good life is versus what the blessed life is. Now, we all have, in our own minds and hearts and conscience, a picture of the good life.…

Sermon for Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

[Machine transcription] Dear Baptized in Christ, especially today, Daniel Augustine, grace, mercy, and peace to you from God the Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. Well, today we’ve heard more of the sermon from Jesus, the Sermon on the Mount, as we refer to it. And although it is definitely a sermon, I think that we could also see this as kind…

Sermon for Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus, amen. Dear saints of God, we are fearing and loving and trusting people. In fact, that’s kind of a tautology. We are people, and that means that we are fearing and loving and trusting. That’s what we were created to do by God in the garden. In fact, that’s what it means to be created in the image of God, that…

I Say to You

[Machine transcription] Jesus says, You have heard that it was said, You shall not commit adultery. But I say to you, You may be seated. Dear Saints, What if, what if you have not heard it said, You shall not commit adultery? I’m afraid that this is probably where we are in our culture. We are living in the throes of a sexual revolution. It started a couple of…