Sermons from 2022 (Page 5)
Sermon for Easter Sunday
[Machine transcription] Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Hallelujah. Dear Saints, we rejoice today in this fact, in this truth, in this historical truth that our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, dead, buried, and raised from the dead. That he left the tomb. There is year after year these surveys of Christians and they are asked this question, if we found the body of…
Sermon for Good Friday
[Machine transcription] When he had tasted the sour wine, he said, It is finished. You may be seated. In the name of Jesus, Amen. Dear Saints, it is right that we should on this night gather together and remember all that our Lord Jesus suffered for us. It is good for us to consider the agony that he endured those 1,989 years ago, the beating and the scoffing and the…
Sermon for Maundy Thursday
[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus, amen. Dear Saints, I was reflecting today on how this, today, is the 1989th anniversary of the institution of the Lord’s Supper, and I started to wonder, and I sort of got carried away wondering, when the Lord thought of it. When did Jesus decide that He would give His church in the New Testament His body to eat and His…
Sermon for Palm Sunday
[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus, amen. Dear Reagan, you are clothed in the righteousness of Christ with all the baptized, the glorious robes of his blood and righteousness, and ready now to stand before him on the last day with nothing at all to fear. I know that’s scary, the idea of being judged. And for you, for all of us, because we’ve, ugh, We…
Sermon for Fifth Sunday in Lent
[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus, amen. Dear Gabe and all the baptized, there is a miracle at work in baptism. And it is the opposite miracle that the Lord performed in the wilderness. We’ll remember that in the sea, the Lord Jesus makes a path, a dry path for the people to cross through the wilderness. He makes a desert in the ocean. In fact, all…
Sermon for Fourth Sunday in Lent
[Machine transcription] Galatians 3 26 for you are all sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ and Galatians 4 verse 6 because you are sons God has sent forth the spirit of his Son into your hearts crying out Abba Father therefore you are no longer a slave but a Son, and of a Son than an heir through God. You may be seated. In the name of Jesus, Amen. Dear Saints of…
Sermon for Third Sunday in Lent
[Machine transcription] And he said to the vine dresser, look, for three years now, I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and I find none. Cut it down. Why should it use up the ground? And he answered him, sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and put on manure. Then if it should bear fruit next year, well and good. But if not, you can cut it down.…
Sermon for Second Sunday in Lent
[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus, amen. Dear saints, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame. We are in a shame-glory battle, a fight over what we glory in and what we are ashamed of. I want to think about that in two ways this morning because this is an…
Sermon for First Sunday in Lent
[Machine transcription] And Jesus answered him, it is written, you shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve. You may be seated. In the name of Jesus, Amen. Dear Saints of God, in order to fulfill God’s will, we put our attention on the text before us and maybe see if we can take it up in three categories. First wisdom, then courage, and then…
Sermon for Ash Wednesday
[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus, amen. Dear saints, you’ve got a little something right there. Do you think it’s strange that we put ashes on our head at the same time we read Jesus telling us not to put ashes on our head? And here’s the point. Jesus is worried, and I think the church is worried about this, that we would think that…